Matt Neil Hill lives in the UK with his wife, son, and the ghosts of cats. His horror/weird fiction has appeared in publications including Vastarien, Cosmic Horror Monthly, Weirdbook, Mysterium Tremendum, and the anthologies Stories of the Eye (Weirdpunk Books) and Violent Vixens: An Homage to Grindhouse Horror (Dark Peninsula Press). His essay on David Cronenberg’s The Lie Chair was featured in Children of the New Flesh (11:11 Press).
You can find him on Bluesky as and, assuming it still exists, on Twitter @mattneilhill. |
DPP Publication Credits:
"The Parts that Hurt Me the Most," appearing in Violent Vixens: An Homage to Grindhouse Horror
"The Field Trip," appearing in Dark Highways: The Cellar Door Issue #3
"The Parts that Hurt Me the Most," appearing in Violent Vixens: An Homage to Grindhouse Horror
"The Field Trip," appearing in Dark Highways: The Cellar Door Issue #3