Amelia Gorman lives in Eureka where she enjoys exploring the forests and tidepools with her dogs and the many rescue-dog fosters who come through her house. You can read more of her fiction in Nox Pareidolia from Nightscape Press and her poetry in Vastarien, Star*Line, and Liminality Magazine.
Visit her website at or follow her on Twitter at: @gorman_ghast. |
DPP Publication Credits:
"Puzzled Pieces, Lock-in Places," appearing in Negative Space: An Anthology of Survival Horror
"Giant Killer," appearing in Woodland Terrors: The Cellar Door Issue #1
"Puzzled Pieces, Lock-in Places," appearing in Negative Space: An Anthology of Survival Horror
"Giant Killer," appearing in Woodland Terrors: The Cellar Door Issue #1